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What if the Christian life isn’t what we thought it was?

What if the Christian life isn’t what we thought it was? This is the question that the authors of “The Cure: What if God isn’t who you think He is and neither are you!” have set out to answer. Is it possible that the life we have been trying to live “in Christ,” may not actually be the life “in Christ” that God wants us to live? Have we missed understood what it means to be a follower of Jesus and living in grace? All of these are important questions that we should extensively search to find the answers to. Having the wrong answers to these questions could mean that we never live the abundant life that Jesus wants us to have or even worse we could totally miss out on eternal life altogether.

The Cure is only seven chapters long but in those seven chapters, you will be challenged to change the way you view your relationship with God and with others.


One: Two Roads

Two: Two Faces

Three: Two Gods

Four: Two Solutions

Five: Two Healings

Six: Two Friends

Seven: Two Destinies

The authors tell the story as if it is the story of their faith. Even though they are telling the story from their perspective of life and faith; you will find yourself thinking that they are writing about your story of faith as you find yourself identifying with the character of the book.

It starts by taking you down two different roads. The first road is named “Pleasing God,” and the second road is “Trusting God.” (pg. 2) It seems in our minds that these are one in the same road, not two separate paths that we walk on. After all, how can you please God if you are not trusting God? That is the first problem that we find with our own beliefs because it is possible to think that we are pleasing God when we are not actually trusting God. On the path called Pleasing God we find people that are living on the side of the path, they seem happy but they are no longer moving forward. As the story progresses the authors explain who these people are. As we continue to travel we come to a beautiful place called the “Room of Good Intentions,” with the saying “Striving Hard to Be All God Wants Me to Be” written on the building. In the book we are told more about what living in the Room of Good Intentions is like, it’s not pleasant but for some reason, many people are afraid to leave this room.

The book goes on to take us down the other path called “Trusting God,” this path is hard to walk on and it shows that it is the road less traveled. In the distance, we find another building on this building is written. “Living Out of Who God Says I am.” This room is not like the other room, people are not putting on masks and they are more welcoming. The difference is that we have found our way into the room of Grace.

The buildings are two different ways of living but could also be likened to different types of churches that reflect two different belief systems. The belief that we have to do righteous works in order to be godly and please God, and the belief that God’s grace has made us a new creation. We all say that we believe in the grace of God, but we like to live in the room of Good intentions. The authors bring out a lot more about the difference between working to please God and living in grace and it will surprise you that some of the things you may believe are actually keeping you in the room of good intentions.

The authors also point out that one of the problems with many people is that we have been taught or come to believe in a false type of repentance. In chapter five they say:

“We’ve been told repentance is a promise to God that I’m going to stop this sin and I’m sorry and I won’t do it again and This time I mean it. We’re mistaking repentance for remorse. The intention not to sin is not the same as the power not to sin.” (pg 60)

To say it another way repentance is not just feeling sorry and trying to do better, it’s accepting what Jesus has done for you and being set free from the struggle of trying on your own to overcome sin. This is not a license to sin freely but is more a license to live freely through the power of God in our lives.

In chapter six we are told about one of the best benefits of living in the room of Grace.

“One of the most satisfying, visible gifts of the Room of Grace is rediscovering vulnerable, life-giving relationships.” (pg. 68)

One of the reasons often given by the younger generation as to why they are leaving the church is because they feel that the people in the church are not being authentic in their relationships. Not being authentic in our relationships is one of the byproducts of living in the room of good intentions, which is the place that everyone wears masks (chapter 2) to cover up their hurt in order to give off the impression that they are pleasing God. The authors argue that wearing masks is comfortable and easy. That it is easier to be fake than to be vulnerable. Living in the room of grace is being vulnerable, being authentic, which will lead to deep relationships and true maturity.

There is so much more in this small book that I would encourage everyone to read it. I believe that it will help you grow in your understanding of Grace and in your relationship with God and others. The book is only 140 pages and that is including chapter discussions. One could sit and read this book in a short amount of time, but I would encourage everyone to read through the chapters slowly in order to digest what they are learning in order to apply it to their walk of faith. It could also be helpful to go through the book in a small group and discuss each chapter.

If you haven't already read this book and you are interested in reading it, you can search the title and authors online. “The Cure: What if God isn’t who you think He is and neither are you.” By John Lynch, Bruce McNicol, and Bill Thrall. ISBN 978-1-934104-08-8 or you can click on my affiliate link (below) to purchase it from Amazon.


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